美国社会学论文代写 社会文化理论

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社会文化理论概述了这样一种观点,即个人学习带来强大的社会关系。在教育中,教师、导师和家庭成员之间的有效经验和强有力的互动是至关重要的。在这段时间里,孩子们需要安慰和鼓励的话语来促进正确的学习。当学校提出挑战时,需要有一个支持系统来帮助个人了解如何克服和前进。如果有什么事情被证明是困难的,家庭应该在那里鼓励他们,并提供方法来推动,这可能会影响学生的思维方式和最终的学习。Poza、布鲁克斯和Valdé年代(2014年)表明,拉丁裔父母确实是参与和关心孩子的教育,和拉丁裔父母问问题的邻居和消息灵通的朋友在自己的社区关于如何在学校系统。他们的研究发现,拉丁裔父母想要了解如何最好地帮助他们的孩子在学习上取得成功,但更重要的是,他们注重参与,以帮助他们的孩子作为人整体发展,而不仅仅是在学术环境中。在许多情况下,这些父母转向”的文化力量,如雇主,教会当局,或非营利组织的员工对他们的权利作为父母或过程”,让他们协助孩子最好(Poza,布鲁克斯& Valdé年代,2014年,p . 132)。拉丁裔父母认为参与孩子的教育是参与校外的以家庭为基础的活动,以帮助学生,而不一定是传统的参与模式,如筹款、学校活动和PTA会员资格。根据《教育研究杂志》的说法,家庭中父母的参与对学生的成绩影响最大。这可以通过直接建模来实现,因为如果孩子看到父母投入了时间和精力,孩子就会对特定的活动更感兴趣。这可以通过花时间复习和询问孩子的家庭作业来促进。这会让他们兴奋地谈论他们所学到的东西,也会激励他们完成更多的家庭作业,以便在将来向父母解释这些知识。家庭支助也可以通过加强来促进。强化理论预测,孩子们会做出更多得到奖励的行为,如果这一理论适用于学校的部分,比如考试学习、上课和完成家庭作业,如果得到补偿,他们在这些方面表现得更好。教育结果也会受到直接教育的影响,直接教育要求家长通过直接、封闭式教育或直接、开放式教育主动帮助孩子(胡佛-登普西,桑德勒)。这促进了不同的学习方式,也会占用家长很多时间。所有这些家长参与的想法都让孩子知道家长在那里,无论是提供支持还是鼓励学习。这会让孩子感到被支持,让他们觉得他们不是独自处理这些棘手的情况。通过提供支持,孩子不太可能感到需要辍学,并将鼓励他们学习高等教育的机会。

美国社会学论文代写 社会文化理论

The sociocultural theory outlines the idea that with individual learning comes strong social relationships. In education it is crucial to have validated experiences and strong interactions among teachers, mentors, and family members. During this time, children need reassurance and require encouraging words to facilitate proper learning. When school presents challenges there needs to be a support system ready to help the individual understand how to overcome and move forward. If something proves to be difficult family should be there to encourage them and provide ways to push through, this can affect how the student thinks and ultimately learns. Poza, Brooks, and Valdés (2014) suggested that Latino parents are indeed involved and concerned about their children’s education, and that Latino parents ask questions of neighbors and well informed friends in their own communities regarding how to navigate the school systems. Their research found that Latino parents want to understand how to best help their children succeed in their studies, but more importantly are focused on engagement that helps their children develop holistically as people and not just within an academic setting. In many instances, these parents turn to a “culture of power, such as employers, church authorities, or staff of nonprofit organizations about their rights as parents or processes” that will allow them to best assist their children (Poza, Brooks, & Valdés, 2014, p. 132). Latino parents consider engagement in the education of their children as participating in home based activities outside of the school that assist students, and not necessarily on the traditional model of engagement such as fundraising, school activities, and PTA membership. According to the Journal of Educational Research, parental engagement in the home makes the greatest difference to student achievement. This can be done through direct modeling because if the child sees that the parent is putting in time and effort the child becomes more interested in that particular activity. This can be facilitated by taking time to review and ask questions about the child’s homework. This gets them excited to talk through what they have learned and will motivate them to complete more homework in order to explain it to the parent in the future. Family support can also be facilitated through reinforcement. The reinforcement theory predicts that children will engage in more behaviors that are rewarded and if this is applied to school components such as studying for tests, attending class, and finishing homework they will be more likely to do well in these areas if compensated. Educational outcomes can also by influenced by direct instruction which requires the parent to take initiative in helping children through direct, closed-ended instruction or direct, open-ended instruction (Hoover-Dempsey, Sandler). This facilitates different means of learning and can take a lot of time from the parent. All of these ideas of parent involvement make it known to the child that the parent is there, whether it be to provide support or encourage learning. This makes the child feel supported and makes them feel like they aren’t tackling these tough situations alone. By providing support it is less likely the child will feel the need to drop out and will encourage their learning into higher education opportunities.

