站点图标 北美最好代写保证成绩折扣最大




When I in my third semester of my foundation course, I have another four Koreans housemates in the unit I stay. They came here for study short period English course, therefore their English communication was quite poor. Sometimes I taught them how to do their assignment and try to spend sometimes talk to them. They like to share their food with me also, although I really not used to their foods because most of their foods are spicy and salty.In UCSI University, I have many chances to know more different cultures and ethics from a different country. Although we having different skin color, language, race, region and so on, but we all are as same as we are a human being. We all are a masterpiece of god which is unique and special to the world. I will never judge everyone with my first impression.The second graduate attributes I had already owned is an interpersonal skill. Is the ability to work effectively and productively as a member of a group. During my study in UCSI University, I have many chances to work together with my friends in a group. Almost every subject I took during my study in UCSI University was needed me to cooperate with my group mates to accomplish my assignments and reports. I need to communicate with each other for making the assignments and reports progress smoothly and unhindered. If we didn't communicate, I believe we will not able to complete our works before the due date.
