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(儿童改善机会和结果,增加共享承诺教育目标,促进学生学习与发展的共同责任,增加理解的问题和观点,地址在设置问题,并加强关系),创建一个简单的框架与父母建立桥:5 a(克里斯坦&谢里登,2001)。前四个A -方法、态度、氛围和行动-强调如何建立伙伴关系,使家长和教师协同工作。当这四个A被放置到日常课堂生活中时,第五个A——成就——就是结果(图1)。在这方面,教育和使儿童社会化是共同的责任;重点是关系,而不是独立的角色。这种态度坚定地相信,老师和家长一起工作比单独工作更重要。它强调所有的家庭都有优势,父母可以帮助他们的孩子成功,没有责备的余地。这里的气氛暗示着身体上的迹象,传达出对家庭的兴趣(例如,家庭友好的公告牌,多种语言的欢迎标志,学生和家庭的照片),此外,还保护了一种情感氛围(“氛围”),这是对家庭的邀请。行动意味着伙伴关系(以学生为中心,但以关系为基础;并带来了用行动而不是活动来工作的想法(活动强调要做的事情,以任务为导向;另一方面,行动是做生意的方式,是基于关系的。最后一项成就是这种伙伴关系的结果.


Seeking to achieve the mains goals (improve opportunities and outcomes for children, increase shared commitments to educational goals, promote shared responsibilities for student learning and development, increase understanding of problems and perspectives, address concerns across settings, and strengthen relationships), a simple framework was created to build the bridge with parents: the Five A’s (Christenson & Sheridan, 2001). The first four A’s – Approach, Attitude, Atmosphere, and Actions – emphasize how to work toward partnerships in which parents and teachers work in sync. When these four A’s are placed, infused into everyday classroom life, the fifth A – Achievement – is the result (figure 1). The Approach is related to the idea that the overarching perspective that schools and families are essential for student success. In that A there is a shared responsibility for educating and socializing children; the emphasis is on relationships, rather than separate roles. The Attitude firm belief that teachers and parents working together is more than working alone. It phase emphasizes that all families have strengths, that parents can help their child succeed, that there is no room for blame. The Atmosphere implies physical signs that convey interest in families (e.g. family-friendly boards, welcome sign in several languages, pictures of students and families), besides defending an affective climate (the “vibe”) that is inviting to families. The Actions means partnership (student-focused, but relationship-based; intentional) and brings the idea of working with actions instead of activities (activities emphasize things to do and are task-oriented; actions, on the other hand, are ways of doing business and are relations-based). The last A, Achievement, is the result of that partnership
